Atrium School

Excellence with Joy

Middle School (Grades 6–8)

A middle school student and his teacher discuss an English Language Arts project over a computer at Atrium School, a progressive independent school in Watertown, MA.

Atrium Middle School is designed to engage and challenge.

Students work cooperatively, and the reality of and appreciation for our diversity is integral to every aspect of our curriculum in middle school. Middle school students approach their academic, social, and emotional learning on a deep level and gain new insights about the complexity of their roles in local and global communities. Atrium provides a safe environment where students are encouraged to explore how to integrate and internalize their ideas and values into daily practice and being. Our goal is to help students be kind, conscientious, ethical, and proactive members of the communities they will join after their time at Atrium. 

Two middle school students in safety goggles explore hands-on science and measurement techniques during a STEM class at Atrium School, a progressive private school on the Cambridge-Watertown line.

Grade 6

The sixth grade program is intended to support students as they transition into the new experiences of middle school. Their surroundings and routines change from the elementary level of having a main classroom with two teachers to having specific teachers for different subjects in different classrooms. Just as they are growing and changing, their relationships with peers and adults become very important as grounding mechanisms for their daily life. The sixth graders learn to think critically about their world and grow to see each other as resourceful members of their community. They investigate the thinking process through various strategies designed to review their individual thinking patterns. As they move toward seventh grade, the students develop a sense of how they learn and how to make informed choices as confident individuals.

Sixth Grade Theme: “How Do We Make Choices?”

This question is a culmination of the thematic ideas studied throughout the previous grades at Atrium. They explore what choices are available to sixth graders in this community, and what elements contribute to the choices each student makes. As they develop their understanding of the meaning of choice, they begin to build an awareness of themselves and recognize the effects of their decisions. By doing so, they are being asked to stretch themselves developmentally and look at situations from another’s perspective. Likewise, by exploring various thinking strategies students will learn the value of sharing their thinking and discover that the way others think may be similar or different from their own way of thinking. These similarities and differences yield opportunities for them to stretch their thinking even further.

English Language Arts

The main goal in English language arts is to create a community of independent readers and writers who understand language as central to our human identities. Although we have separate readers’ and writers’ workshops scheduled throughout the week, our reading and writing instruction are necessarily intertwined.

Sixth graders practice active reading skills, asking questions of the text and analyzing the purposeful choices authors make in a variety of different genres; learning a range of writing strategies, methods and styles helps us critically to make sense of what we read as well as to make informed choices about how we express our thoughts on paper as situations demand. We read independently, work cooperatively in book groups, and listen as teachers and peers read aloud.

The sixth graders write formally and informally about what we read, experience, and question. Their writing takes many forms, including essays, pieces of expository non-fiction, journaling, and creative writing assignments. Throughout the year, classroom authors have many opportunities to share work and receive constructive feedback in class, in small groups, and in one on one conferences with a peer and with a teacher. We use a range of organizational tools to help plan, manage, publish, and take ownership of our work as readers and writers. We emphasize writing and revising what we’ve written as a mindful act of thinking that develops our ideas. Informal and formal assessments allow teachers to design individual, group and whole class lessons to meet our students’ evolving needs.


Sixth grade mathematicians focus on the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percents. They review and deepen their understanding of computations with fractions, decimals, and percents by using manipulatives, visual models, and the standard algorithms for computation and conversions. They learn how to work with integer operations using a number line as well as standard algorithms. They derive the area of basic shapes by relating them all to rectangles and the definition of area. They collect and analyze data using measures of central tendency. They begin their work with algebra by writing and solving simple equations. Exciting projects include: The Giant Candy Project, the Real Life Barbie Project, and a Middle School-wide Survey project.


The goal of the sixth grade science program is to introduce students to the skills of reading, writing, thinking, and doing science through topics in Earth Science. As students explore the processes of the terrasphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and exosphere, they build science literacy and inquiry skills. Students explore the idea of asking questions in a testable way through directed and free experimentation. Sixth grade scientists use scientific tools, construct physical or explanatory models to test and explain scientific phenomena, and communicate understanding through diagrams, science talks, and reasoned paragraphs. Each area of scientific inquiry includes case studies, debates, and engineering challenges that highlight the effects of individual and societal choices on the processes of the Earth.  

Middle school students and their Social Studies teacher take notes during a Facing History and Ourselves presentation at Atrium School, a progressive independent school near Boston.

Social Studies

Sixth grade students study U.S. History from the Pre-Columbian era to the beginning of the 20th century. They learn the geography of the U.S. and around the world, continent by continent, preparing them for studying early civilizations. The choices made by indigenous peoples, governments, colonists, and citizens are analyzed through various sources including how U.S. Supreme Court decisions shaped the evolution of our society. Students consider the reliability of various sources of history, analyzing primary and secondary sources and deciphering how personal bias in reporting history affects perspective.

 Through Howard Zinn's text, A Young People's History of the United States, sixth graders investigate how America's dissident voices shaped our society. The seldom-heard voices of indigenous people, those enslaved or in servitude, the poor, the disenfranchised are brought out in text and film. In doing so, students investigate their own voices through exercises that reveal the different ways they process information. In addition to using their own words, students create visual dialogues without speaking words, dissect historical imagery, and make connections to and extensions from readings and discussions.

A middle school girl with pink hair looks into a microscope during science class.

Grade 7

Seventh graders are ready to take on more autonomy and probe deeper in their classes and with their peers. They are on the path to becoming strong advocates for themselves and for others. They are learning more about how they learn and what tools and support they need in order to be successful students and supportive friends.

Seventh Grade Theme: "What Is Connection and How Do We Make Connections?"

Through this question, students use a lens of “connection” to explore how things are linked–whether it be physically, scientifically, historically, culturally, or socially–and the significance of these connections. How did colonization impact connections? What is the role of technology in connection? What does it mean to be in community? Through history and current events students learn about the importance of connection, intersection, and consequences over time.

English Language Arts

Seventh grade language arts students work through connecting what they read to what they already know, thus forging new connections. We examine reading, writing, and identity as fluid, contextual, and dynamic; we continue to understand both writing and reading as social processes. Paragraph development is directly and explicitly taught through the use of the six traits (content, word choice, organization, voice, sentence fluency, and conventions).Transitions, revision, and writing as a process are all heavily emphasized in seventh grade English classes.


Seventh grade mathematicians focus on how ratio and rate connects to all branches of mathematics. They work with percent change and scaling of geometric figures. They deepen their work with fractions by connecting it to probability of single and multiple events. They solidify their understanding of the real number system and look at the history of mathematics. They do intensive work with variables using manipulatives. These provide both access and challenge for students and allow them to see further connections between algebra and geometry. Students discover how to simplify expressions with variables and solve multi-step, one variable equations. Exciting projects include: the Mathematician Project, Math Emergencies (helping staff around the school solve job-related problems using equations), and the Dream House Project.

Middle school student dress as famous mathematicians during an interdisciplinary math project at Atrium School, a progressive independent school in Watertown, MA.


In seventh grade science, students study the interconnections within and between living organisms at multiple levels. From the interconnections between cell organelles to the complex relationships between populations in the environment, students ask questions about how things work together and about their own role as part of the web of life. Seventh grade scientists continue to develop scientific literacy and inquiry skills through experimental design and hands-on inquiry.  They collect and analyze real world datasets, explore local ecosystems, and engage in debate. They learn the formal language of scientific writing, and develop the ability to support claims based on evidence. They investigate issues of sustainability and responsibility through citizen science projects and engineering design challenges.

Social Studies

Seventh grade students study the evolution of modern society through investigations of ancient civilizations. Students distinguish historical knowledge based on myth and storytelling from that constructed from primary sources. Comparing and contrasting the ancient societies built in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Africa, as well as other empires around the Mediterranean, students connect how the religions, governments, trade and art of these cultures shaped the course of world history. The language of geography, economics, and politics are emphasized throughout the course, and students have opportunities to use their knowledge in presenting and discussing current events. Incorporating current event topics creates connections between the old world and the present. Students end the year with an exploration of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Grade 8

In eighth grade, students are approaching a milestone of transition and change. They are immersed in a developmental time of exploring self-identity and finding their place in the diverse identities of the world. It is a time of in-depth exploration of individual talents, skill-building, and application. Students engage in related questions around ethics and values. By the end of their eighth-grade year, Atrium students are independent, self-aware learners and leaders of their school and potential leaders of their global community. The Atrium Middle School family provides a safe and nurturing space in which this rich and joyful transformation can occur.

Middle school students and their teacher engage joyfully in hands-on STEM learning, studying the volume of rice.

Eighth Grade Theme: "What is Transformation?  How and Why Does It Occur?"

Through this question, students discuss the notion of “becoming” to explore how things come to be–physically, mathematically, socially, emotionally, artistically, historically, culturally–and the significance of these transformations. What are the causes and implications of transformation? Where are they going to take their natural abilities and gifts, as they move out into the world, and how are they going to transform the world by the different life paths of their choosing? How are they going to carry forth their lived experiences as members of the Atrium community to the new communities they join and create?

English Language Arts

Independent ownership of one’s reading and writing process is the goal for each eighth grader. We critically analyze how we know and become ourselves through the acts of reading and writing, as well as when, how, and why writers break the 5-paragraph essay mold. Researching and developing complex, original main ideas, and practicing skills for sustaining a single argument through multiple paragraphs are emphasized in 8th grade English class.


Eighth grade mathematicians focus on functions. They discover what makes a function and how to represent it graphically, numerically, algebraically, and contextually. They look at patterns as the basis for identifying types of functions, and work deeply with linear, exponential, and quadratic functions. They continue to examine the connections between algebra and geometry by looking at graphing on the coordinate plane. A graphing calculator program is an essential tool that is widely used throughout the course. Exciting projects include the Big Numbers Project, the Fractals Project, and the Graphing Designs Project.

Middle school students and their science teacher discuss a project-based learning assignment at Atrium School, a progressive independent school in Watertown, MA.


Students study chemistry and physics in eighth grade science. They refine their scientific lab and communication skills, and engage in deep explorations of the physical sciences. They experimentally test chemical and physical interactions of matter, apply Newton’s Laws of Motion through engineering design challenges, and investigate technological innovations harnessing energy transformations for sustainable development in worldwide communities.

Social Studies

Eighth graders explore perceptions of human rights by looking at the history of the Holocaust and other genocides. Utilizing curriculum developed by Facing History and Ourselves, students examine these events through the lens of human behavior. We look at the choices individuals made and attempt to understand how and why they acted as they did. The course examines social activism and provides students with the tools necessary to empower them to make change in their lives and in the world. Students build on this knowledge later in the year studying the desegregation efforts in Little Rock in 1957. Students also consider the morality issues presented in a literary analysis combined with an exploration of relevant historical context set in To Kill A Mockingbird. These investigations combine history, literature, philosophy, psychology, film, primary source documents, and interactive activities to allow students to engage deeply in the material.

A middle school ELA classroom discusses a book with their teacher.

In a commitment to educating the whole child, core studies are balanced with time dedicated to students’ social, emotional, physical, and artistic growth. The following are the general areas of Atrium middle school education.

Advisory Program

As intellectual challenges and academic demands expand and increase in complexity, we continue to have a responsibility to care for and meet the social and emotional needs of our students. Each middle school student is part of a small advisory group of peers facilitated by an advisor. Advisory groups meet briefly each morning and for a longer period once a week.

Middle School Leadership and Middle School Community Time

Our middle school students form their own school government, use parliamentary procedure, and create a forum for sharing and decision-making. Each grade takes on specific school responsibilities including, but not limited to, managing the school library and middle school budget, planning social justice projects and author conferences, and organizing student government elections and middle school community meetings.


Three times a year, students take time away from their regular class schedule in order to dive deep into three content areas: Digital Storytelling, Robotics and Coding, and Food and Community studies. For two weeks, they spend each morning working in small clusters on a specific project tied to these content areas. Students rotate through all three clusters throughout the year.

Learning Lab and Flex Time

Learning Labs are three periods each week for supplemental work on academic subjects. During Learning Lab students have an opportunity to meet with teachers to review, clarify, or expand their understanding of each subject. This time can also include special learning topics like study skills and wellness. Flex Time is a time for student-driven learning experiences beyond the curriculum such as yoga, robotics, knitting, or soccer.

Digital Portfolios

Throughout the year, students collect work from each subject area, including reflections that are done in advisory. They then present their work to their parents at the final conference in the spring.

Parent/Teacher Communication and Conferences

Communication with parents is of the utmost importance at Atrium. Teachers are always available via email and report to parents on a regular basis, including mid-term progress reports (November and March), end-of-term reports (January and July), and family conferences (3 times a year).

A middle school girl creates beautiful artwork; a detailed autumn diorama for a hands-on assignment at Atrium School, a progressive private school in Watertown, MA.

Social Awareness, Wellness, and Sexuality

Our curriculum focuses on making healthy choices – socially, emotionally, and physically. Students learn how their choices impact themselves and others. We teach a holistic view of sexuality, providing facts about anatomy and human development as well as building interpersonal skills and understanding of the emotional and social aspects of sexuality and relationships.

Physical Education

During the week, students have one extended double PE period, which allows for students to travel out of the building and take advantage of recreation activities and facilities in the community. As part of PE, students will participate in local activities such as rock climbing at Central Rock Gym, rowing on the Charles River with Community Rowing Inc., and yoga at Artemis Yoga in Watertown.


The Atrium Music Program explores music through listening, singing, playing instruments, and through creating and composing. Middle School students participate in chorus and may elect to continue with an instrument. The Atrium music program embodies an interdisciplinary approach. Students make extensive use of fundamental concepts and representations shared between music and other subject areas. Atrium music students explore the unique intersections between language and math each week. Composition and improvisation are also regular features in music classes.

Studio Art

The Studio Art Program nurtures in each student a familiarity with tools and materials to creatively explore self-expression in visual art. The program equally values process and product, the joy of exploration, creative risk-taking, navigating mistakes, and artistic play. Students explore a variety of media and techniques by looking for inspiration in traditional and contemporary artists’ works. They then explore and develop their own ideas, either individually or collaboratively.


To become proficient in a language, you need exposure. You need to be given the time to listen, speak, read and write. We want our middle school students to be thinking in Spanish and not translating from English. As much as possible, Spanish instruction is conducted in Spanish. The curriculum includes study of geography, culture, and history of relevant countries.

Technology Integration

At Atrium, we believe in judicious and purposeful use of technology. Each middle school student at Atrium is issued a Chromebook as a tool which they can use at home and at school in order to access, create, and disseminate information. Having a one-to-one Chromebook program allows students to have one device that organizes homework and student portfolios, allows access to documents and digital textbooks, provides tools such as graphing calculators, and facilitates online communication. We integrate digital literacy skills throughout all subjects. In addition, each classroom is equipped with interactive whiteboards for instruction and collaboration.